Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I daresay that we never really settle down in life even if outwardly seeming to. The reason is perhaps not hard to fathom. Most of us never figure out what we really want to do with our lives. The lucky few that do also seem to get disillusioned over time. Its hard to know what you want when you're young. Not that growing older makes things any better. You grow even more confused and less sure than before. Wisdom has the unfortunate side effect of making you feel more inadequate than your worst personal estimate. I think that over time man gets better at figuring out what he should desire as defined by his circumstances and the people around him. But what he really desires is something that I don't think he figures out, ever.

No wonder that most people tend to be unhappy about their lives and careers. You are probably working on the wrong thing or seemingly important things that you are probably lousy at anyway. If anything came close to your sphere of innate talents and interests you would excel at it without any real effort (or at least the effort would not seem tedious). You would be happy if you could work at something that came close to what you were good at. It is easy to make up for minor deficiencies through a reasonable amount of perseverance. But if you do not have an ear for music and want to play musical instruments for a career you are heading for self-destruction (which could actually be quite painfully systematic). I know that I seem to be heading towards that inevitable and rather commonplace conclusion that one must do what one likes/loves and what one is good at. If it were not so hard to find what one really likes, that might just make it so much easier.


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